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ISKCON Newtown

In the heart of ISKCON Newtown, the array of enlightening lectures and sessions serves as a transformative journey for spiritual seekers and community members alike. These gatherings are meticulously designed to fulfill specific goals and objectives, weaving a tapestry of spiritual growth, knowledge dissemination, and holistic well-being.

Lectures and Sessions

Unlocking Spiritual Wisdom

In the vibrant setting of ISKCON Newtown, the purposeful array of enlightening lectures and sessions serves as a transformative journey for spiritual seekers and community members alike. These gatherings are meticulously designed to fulfill specific goals and objectives, weaving a tapestry of spiritual growth, knowledge dissemination, and holistic well-being.

The primary goal is to facilitate spiritual enlightenment, achieved through profound discourses on scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam, guiding attendees on a journey of self-realization and a deeper understanding of their spiritual path. Simultaneously, these sessions aim to foster a sense of community among participants, providing a space for collective learning, reflection, and the sharing of experiences.

Promoting cultural awareness is another crucial goal, creating an atmosphere that celebrates diversity and unity through the teachings of Krishna consciousness. The sessions also focus on personal growth and self-discovery, equipping participants with tools for enhancing their well-being, both spiritually and personally.

Ultimately, the lectures and sessions at ISKCON Newtown stand as beacons of spiritual guidance, community building, and personal growth, enriching lives and strengthening the fabric of the ISKCON community.

Geeta iskcon newtown

Bhagavad Gita Learning

yoga iskconnewtown

Yoga Meditation

Yoga iskconnewtown

Mantra Meditation

Veda iskconnewtown

Vedic Scriptures

Youth Forum iskconnewtown

Book Distribution

culture iskconnewtown

Art and Drama


Sadhu Bhojan Seva at ISKCON

All Seva & Donations

Support us by contributing to various causes, fostering positive change and community welfare.


Goshala Gou Seva

Exemplifying compassionate care for sacred beings, dedicated to the welfare of cows.



Dive into profound wisdom and spiritual insights at ISKCON's sessions, enriching your understanding of life's purpose.


Annakshetra Seva

Annakshetra, serves as a beacon of compassion, providing nutritious meals to alleviate hunger.