Damodara Lila, Deepotsava at ISKCON Newtown

Deepotsava, also referred to as Deepothsavam, is celebrated annually during the month of Kartika, is considered one of the holiest months in the lunar calendar. This month-long celebration honors the Damodara-lila, which depicts the charming episode of baby Krishna stealing butter and being playfully tied to a mortar by his affectionate mother, Yashoda. The term “Damodara” derives from the Sanskrit words “dama,” meaning rope, and “udara,” meaning belly, referring to Krishna being bound by a rope.

It is believed that offering a lamp to Lord Hari in this sacred month brings boundless prosperity, beauty, and wealth. Moreover, all sins from countless lifetimes are absolved, granting one entry into an eternal spiritual realm devoid of suffering.

Temples are beautifully decorated with thousands of lamps throughout this month. The illumination from these lamps radiates a divine light in the main temple hall, enhancing the atmosphere of devotion among those present. The grandeur of the celebrations stirs deep feelings of reverence in everyone involved. 

A grand arati ceremony takes place, accompanied by the singing of the Damodarashtaka song. After the arati, devotees are invited to offer their ghee lamps to Their Lordships, which is then followed by the Shayana Pallakki Utsava, a lovely ritual that concludes the day’s festivities.

Deepotsava Seva Opportunities

Perform Deep Daan

Perform Deep Daan to receive divine blessings and illuminate your spiritual journey.

Makhan Mishri Seva ISKCON Newtown Janmashtami

Offer Makhan Mishri Seva

Offer Makhan Mishri Seva to relish the sweetness of devotion and connect with Lord Krishna.


Sponsor Anna Daan & Khichidi Seva in your Name

Feed the needy and receive divine blessings for fulfillment and success in life.


Sponsor Govatsa Seva in your Name and Gotra

Participate in sacred cow worship for blessings of health, prosperity, and spiritual purity.

Pushpanjali Seva Janmashtami ISKCON Newtown

Sponsor Pushpanjali By Family

Perform Pushpanjali By Family to express gratitude and devotion through beautiful floral offerings.

Abhishek Seva ISKCON Newtown Janmashtami 2

Kalash Abhishek Seva

Perform Kalash Abhishek Seva to divine with sacred waters and seek blessings for prosperity.

The Story of Damodara Lila

Once, while busy with household chores, Mother Yashoda decided to churn butter herself. As she sang sweet songs about her son Krishna, he appeared, hungry and wanting her attention. After she lovingly fed him, the milk on the stove began to boil over. Rushing to save it, she inadvertently left Krishna unattended, which infuriated him. In his anger, he broke the butter pot and began sneaking butter, tears welling in his eyes as he savored his treasure.

When Yashoda returned, she discovered the broken pot and realized Krishna’s mischief. Her heart warmed at the thought of her clever son, even as she searched for him. Eventually, she found him perched atop a wooden mortar, feeding butter to the monkeys. Spotting her approach with a stick, Krishna dashed away in playful fear, prompting a lively chase around the house.

Though he was the Supreme God, Krishna played the role of a mischievous child, making it difficult for Yashoda to catch him. Despite her efforts, she was often a step behind, her hair coming undone and flowers falling as she pursued him. Finally, when she did catch him, Krishna appeared innocent yet fearful, ready to cry.

Wishing to soothe him, Yashoda put aside her stick and decided to bind him with ropes as a form of punishment. Unbeknownst to her, it was impossible to bind the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is limitless and all-pervading. Yet, Yashoda remained undeterred, trying to connect various ropes. Each time, she found the lengths just two inches short, leaving her puzzled yet amused.

After seeing her struggle, Krishna, out of compassion, decided to allow himself to be bound. This act brought joy to both mother and son, highlighting the unique bond they shared. While Krishna is the giver of liberation, the devotion and surrender of Yashoda earned her a blessing beyond that of even the greatest celestial beings.

Once securely tied to the mortar, Krishna spotted two arjuna trees nearby. Remembering how Yashoda had left him unfed and subsequently bound, he plotted his next mischievous act—pulling down the trees. These trees had a special significance, as they were once the cursed sons of Kuvera, destined to receive the highest blessing of seeing Lord Krishna due to their past transgressions.

एक बार, जब माता यशोदा घरेलू कामों में व्यस्त थीं, उन्होंने खुद मक्खन मथना शुरू किया। जैसे ही वह अपने बेटे कृष्ण के बारे में मीठे गीत गा रही थीं, कृष्ण वहां प्रकट हुए, भूखे और उनकी ध्यान की चाह में। जब उसने उन्हें प्यार से दूध पिलाया, तब चूल्हे पर रखा दूध उबलने लगा। दूध को बचाने के लिए वह दौड़ पड़ीं और अनजाने में कृष्ण को अकेला छोड़ दिया, जिससे वह नाराज हो गए। गुस्से में, उन्होंने मक्खन के बर्तन को तोड़ दिया और छुपकर मक्खन चुराने लगे, उनकी आँखों में आँसू भर आए।

जब यशोदा वापस लौटीं, तो उन्होंने टूटे बर्तन को देखा और समझ गईं कि यह कृष्ण की शरारत है। वह अपने चतुर बेटे के बारे में सोचकर मुस्कुराईं, जबकि वह उन्हें खोजती रहीं। अंततः, उन्होंने कृष्ण को एक लकड़ी के मथानी पर बैठा पाया, जो बंदरों को मक्खन खिला रहे थे। जब कृष्ण ने उन्हें डंडा लिए आते देखा, तो वह डर के मारे भाग खड़े हुए, जिससे एक मजेदार दौड़ का आरंभ हुआ।

हालाँकि वह सर्वोच्च भगवान थे, कृष्ण ने एक शरारती बच्चे का अभिनय किया, जिससे यशोदा के लिए उन्हें पकड़ना मुश्किल हो गया। उनकी कोशिशों के बावजूद, वह अक्सर एक कदम पीछे रहीं, उनके बाल बिखर गए और फूल गिरने लगे। अंततः, जब उन्होंने उन्हें पकड़ लिया, तो कृष्ण ने निर्दोष yet भयभीत दिखते हुए रोने के लिए तैयार हो गए।

उनके डर को कम करने की इच्छा से, यशोदा ने अपना डंडा फेंक दिया और उन्हें दंड देने के लिए रस्सियों से बांधने का निर्णय लिया। उन्हें यह नहीं पता था कि सर्वोच्च भगवान को बांधना असंभव है, जो असीम और सर्वव्यापी हैं। फिर भी, यशोदा ने प्रयास जारी रखा, विभिन्न रस्सियों को जोड़ने की कोशिश की। हर बार, उन्हें पाया कि वे दो इंच कम हैं, जिससे वह चकित और आश्चर्यचकित रह गईं।

जब कृष्ण ने उनकी मेहनत देखी, तो उन्होंने करुणा से खुद को बांधने की अनुमति देने का निर्णय लिया। यह क्रिया दोनों माँ और बेटे के लिए खुशी का कारण बनी, जो उनके बीच के अनोखे बंधन को उजागर करती है। जबकि कृष्ण मोक्ष का दाता हैं, यशोदा की भक्ति और समर्पण ने उन्हें सबसे महान दिव्य beings से भी बढ़कर आशीर्वाद दिलाया।

जब वह मथानी से बंधे हुए थे, तब कृष्ण ने पास में दो अर्जुन के पेड़ देखे। यह याद करते हुए कि यशोदा ने उन्हें सही से नहीं खिलाया और फिर उन्हें बांध दिया, उन्होंने अपनी अगली शरारत की योजना बनाई—पेड़ों को गिराना। इन पेड़ों का एक विशेष महत्व था, क्योंकि वे पहले कुबेर के शापित पुत्र थे, जिन्हें अपने पूर्वजन्म की गलतियों के कारण भगवान कृष्ण को देखने का सबसे बड़ा आशीर्वाद मिला था।

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